The “Sunshine Girls”

Every group of campers was designated by a color of ROYGBIV…our group was yellow. In a matter of minutes “yellow” became the “Sunshine Girls.” We wore yellow bandana’s in every fashion imaginable…headbands, bracelets, leg bands, hair ties, and woven in with hair braids.

When walking to activities, we enjoyed a sound off of “Everywhere we go, people wanna know…Who we are…So we tell them. We are the Sunshine girls, we’re rough, we’re tough and we love Jesus” chant. This helpful for keeping the girls together (if you were wandering, I’ll go ahead and confirm that 8 and 9 year old girls wander and straggle) and keeping them entertained on the way to putt putt or volleyball. 


One day we had a longer hike to lunch, as a fun conversation starter, I asked: “If you could design your dream castle, what would it look like?” Imaginations & creativity went wild…bunk beds in every room, glass ceilings, full zoo facilities and my favorite: a hot pink polka dotted mushroom roof.

Other great answers came from: “If you could create your ideal kitchen, what would be in it?” Answers included: a s’mores pantry, a refrigerator with just orange juice and a magic pantry of ice cream & sundae ingredients, all within a password protected entry system.

If you could design your dream castle, what would it include? Mine will have a stream running through it and stairs made of natural elements.

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